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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "clustalv.h"
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- extern void *ckalloc(size_t);
- extern void error(char *,...);
- extern int *seqlen_array;
- extern char **seq_array;
- void init_show_pair(void);
- void show_pair(void);
- static void make_p_ptrs(int *,int *,int,int);
- static void make_n_ptrs(int *,int *,int,int);
- static void put_frag(int,int,int,int);
- static int frag_rel_pos(int,int,int,int);
- static void pair_align(int,int,int);
- static void des_quick_sort(int *, int *, int);
- /*
- * Global variables
- */
- extern int next,nseqs;
- extern Boolean dnaflag;
- extern double **tmat;
- int ktup,window,wind_gap,signif; /* Pairwise aln. params */
- int dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_wind_gap, dna_signif; /* params for DNA */
- int prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_wind_gap,prot_signif; /* params for prots */
- Boolean percent;
- static int curr_frag,maxsf,vatend;
- static int **accum;
- int *displ; /* also used in myers.c */
- int *zza, *zzb, *zzc, *zzd; /* also used in myers.c */
- static int *diag_index;
- static char *slopes;
- void init_show_pair(void)
- {
- register int i;
- accum = (int **)ckalloc( 5*sizeof (int *) );
- for (i=0;i<5;i++)
- accum[i] = (int *) ckalloc(FSIZE * sizeof (int) );
- displ = (int *) ckalloc( (2*MAXLEN +1) * sizeof (int) );
- slopes = (char *)ckalloc( (2*MAXLEN +1) * sizeof (char));
- diag_index = (int *) ckalloc( (2*MAXLEN +1) * sizeof (int) );
- zza = (int *)ckalloc( (MAXLEN+1) * sizeof (int) );
- zzb = (int *)ckalloc( (MAXLEN+1) * sizeof (int) );
- zzc = (int *)ckalloc( (MAXLEN+1) * sizeof (int) );
- zzd = (int *)ckalloc( (MAXLEN+1) * sizeof (int) );
- dna_ktup = 2; /* default parameters for DNA */
- dna_wind_gap = 5;
- dna_signif = 4;
- dna_window = 4;
- prot_ktup = 1; /* default parameters for proteins */
- prot_wind_gap = 3;
- prot_signif = 5;
- prot_window = 5;
- percent=TRUE;
- }
- static void make_p_ptrs(int *tptr,int *pl,int naseq,int l)
- {
- static int a[]={ 0, 1, 20, 400 };
- int i,j,limit,code,flag;
- char residue;
- limit = (int) pow((double)20,(double)ktup);
- for(i=1;i<=limit;++i)
- pl[i]=0;
- for(i=1;i<=l;++i)
- tptr[i]=0;
- for(i=1;i<=(l-ktup+1);++i) {
- code=0;
- flag=FALSE;
- for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
- residue = seq_array[naseq][i+j-1];
- if(residue<=0) {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- code += ((residue-1) * a[j]);
- }
- if(flag)
- continue;
- ++code;
- if(pl[code]!=0)
- tptr[i]=pl[code];
- pl[code]=i;
- }
- }
- static void make_n_ptrs(int *tptr,int *pl,int naseq,int len)
- {
- static int pot[]={ 0, 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096 };
- int i,j,limit,code,flag;
- char residue;
- limit = (int) pow((double)4,(double)ktup);
- for(i=1;i<=limit;++i)
- pl[i]=0;
- for(i=1;i<=len;++i)
- tptr[i]=0;
- for(i=1;i<=len-ktup+1;++i) {
- code=0;
- flag=FALSE;
- for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
- residue = seq_array[naseq][i+j-1];
- if(residue<=0) {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- code += ((residue-1) * pot[j]);
- }
- if(flag)
- continue;
- ++code;
- if(pl[code]!=0)
- tptr[i]=pl[code];
- pl[code]=i;
- }
- }
- static void put_frag(int fs,int v1,int v2,int flen)
- {
- int end;
- accum[0][curr_frag]=fs;
- accum[1][curr_frag]=v1;
- accum[2][curr_frag]=v2;
- accum[3][curr_frag]=flen;
- if(!maxsf) {
- maxsf=1;
- accum[4][curr_frag]=0;
- return;
- }
- if(fs >= accum[0][maxsf]) {
- accum[4][curr_frag]=maxsf;
- maxsf=curr_frag;
- return;
- }
- else {
- next=maxsf;
- while(TRUE) {
- end=next;
- next=accum[4][next];
- if(fs>=accum[0][next])
- break;
- }
- accum[4][curr_frag]=next;
- accum[4][end]=curr_frag;
- }
- }
- static int frag_rel_pos(int a1,int b1,int a2,int b2)
- {
- int ret;
- ret=FALSE;
- if(a1-b1==a2-b2) {
- if(a2<a1)
- ret=TRUE;
- }
- else {
- if(a2+ktup-1<a1 && b2+ktup-1<b1)
- ret=TRUE;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static void des_quick_sort(int *array1, int *array2, int array_size)
- /* */
- /* Quicksort routine, adapted from chapter 4, page 115 of software tools */
- /* by Kernighan and Plauger, (1986) */
- /* Sort the elements of array1 and sort the */
- /* elements of array2 accordingly */
- /* */
- {
- int temp1, temp2;
- int p, pivlin;
- int i, j;
- int lst[50], ust[50]; /* the maximum no. of elements must be*/
- /* < log(base2) of 50 */
- lst[1] = 1;
- ust[1] = array_size;
- p = 1;
- while(p > 0) {
- if(lst[p] >= ust[p])
- p--;
- else {
- i = lst[p] - 1;
- j = ust[p];
- pivlin = array1[j];
- while(i < j) {
- for(i=i+1; array1[i] < pivlin; i++)
- ;
- for(j=j-1; j > i; j--)
- if(array1[j] <= pivlin) break;
- if(i < j) {
- temp1 = array1[i];
- array1[i] = array1[j];
- array1[j] = temp1;
- temp2 = array2[i];
- array2[i] = array2[j];
- array2[j] = temp2;
- }
- }
- j = ust[p];
- temp1 = array1[i];
- array1[i] = array1[j];
- array1[j] = temp1;
- temp2 = array2[i];
- array2[i] = array2[j];
- array2[j] = temp2;
- if(i-lst[p] < ust[p] - i) {
- lst[p+1] = lst[p];
- ust[p+1] = i - 1;
- lst[p] = i + 1;
- }
- else {
- lst[p+1] = i + 1;
- ust[p+1] = ust[p];
- ust[p] = i - 1;
- }
- p = p + 1;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- static void pair_align(int seq_no,int l1,int l2)
- {
- int pot[8],i,j,k,l,m,flag,limit,pos,tl1,vn1,vn2,flen,osptr,fs;
- int tv1,tv2,encrypt,subt1,subt2,rmndr;
- char residue;
- if(dnaflag) {
- for(i=1;i<=ktup;++i)
- pot[i] = (int) pow((double)4,(double)(i-1));
- limit = (int) pow((double)4,(double)ktup);
- }
- else {
- pot[1]=1;
- pot[2]=20;
- pot[3]=400;
- limit = (int) pow(20.0,(double)ktup);
- }
- tl1 = (l1+l2)-1;
- for(i=1;i<=tl1;++i) {
- slopes[i]=displ[i]=0;
- diag_index[i] = i;
- }
- /* increment diagonal score for each k_tuple match */
- for(i=1;i<=limit;++i) {
- vn1=zzc[i];
- while(TRUE) {
- if(!vn1) break;
- vn2=zzd[i];
- while(vn2 != 0) {
- osptr=vn1-vn2+l2;
- ++displ[osptr];
- vn2=zzb[vn2];
- }
- vn1=zza[vn1];
- }
- }
- /* choose the top SIGNIF diagonals */
- des_quick_sort(displ, diag_index, tl1);
- j = tl1 - signif + 1;
- if(j < 1) j = 1;
- /* flag all diagonals within WINDOW of a top diagonal */
- for(i=tl1; i>=j; i--)
- if(displ[i] > 0) {
- pos = diag_index[i];
- l = (1 >pos-window) ? 1 : pos-window;
- m = (tl1<pos+window) ? tl1 : pos+window;
- for(; l <= m; l++)
- slopes[l] = 1;
- }
- for(i=1; i<=tl1; i++) displ[i] = 0;
- curr_frag=maxsf=0;
- for(i=1;i<=(l1-ktup+1);++i) {
- encrypt=flag=0;
- for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
- residue = seq_array[seq_no][i+j-1];
- if(residue<=0) {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- encrypt += ((residue-1)*pot[j]);
- }
- if(flag) continue;
- ++encrypt;
- vn2=zzd[encrypt];
- flag=FALSE;
- while(TRUE) {
- if(!vn2) {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- osptr=i-vn2+l2;
- if(slopes[osptr]!=1) {
- vn2=zzb[vn2];
- continue;
- }
- flen=0;
- fs=ktup;
- next=maxsf;
- /*
- * A-loop
- */
- while(TRUE) {
- if(!next) {
- ++curr_frag;
- if(curr_frag>=FSIZE) {
- fprintf(stdout,"(Partial alignment)");
- vatend=1;
- return;
- }
- displ[osptr]=curr_frag;
- put_frag(fs,i,vn2,flen);
- }
- else {
- tv1=accum[1][next];
- tv2=accum[2][next];
- if(frag_rel_pos(i,vn2,tv1,tv2)) {
- if(i-vn2==accum[1][next]-accum[2][next]) {
- if(i>accum[1][next]+(ktup-1))
- fs=accum[0][next]+ktup;
- else {
- rmndr=i-accum[1][next];
- fs=accum[0][next]+rmndr;
- }
- flen=next;
- next=0;
- continue;
- }
- else {
- if(displ[osptr]==0)
- subt1=ktup;
- else {
- if(i>accum[1][displ[osptr]]+(ktup-1))
- subt1=accum[0][displ[osptr]]+ktup;
- else {
- rmndr=i-accum[1][displ[osptr]];
- subt1=accum[0][displ[osptr]]+rmndr;
- }
- }
- subt2=accum[0][next]-wind_gap+ktup;
- if(subt2>subt1) {
- flen=next;
- fs=subt2;
- }
- else {
- flen=displ[osptr];
- fs=subt1;
- }
- next=0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else {
- next=accum[4][next];
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * End of Aloop
- */
- vn2=zzb[vn2];
- }
- }
- vatend=0;
- }
- void show_pair()
- {
- int i,j,k,dsr;
- double calc_score;
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- for(i=1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
- if(dnaflag)
- make_n_ptrs(zza,zzc,i,seqlen_array[i]);
- else
- make_p_ptrs(zza,zzc,i,seqlen_array[i]);
- for(j=i+1;j<=nseqs;++j) {
- if(dnaflag)
- make_n_ptrs(zzb,zzd,j,seqlen_array[j]);
- else
- make_p_ptrs(zzb,zzd,j,seqlen_array[j]);
- pair_align(i,seqlen_array[i],seqlen_array[j]);
- if(!maxsf)
- calc_score=0.0;
- else {
- calc_score=(double)accum[0][maxsf];
- if(percent) {
- dsr=(seqlen_array[i]<seqlen_array[j]) ?
- seqlen_array[i] : seqlen_array[j];
- calc_score = (calc_score/(double)dsr) * 100.0;
- }
- }
- tmat[i][j]=calc_score;
- tmat[j][i]=calc_score;
- if(calc_score>0.1)
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequences (%d:%d) Aligned. Score: %lg\n",
- i,j,calc_score);
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequences (%d:%d) Not Aligned\n",i,j);
- }
- }
- }